| Azienda Agricola Morano Girolamo Rosario

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Organic Clementines with leaf cal.4


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Minimum quantity 800 pieces
Successive 800 pieces
Shipping: free


SKU cle4f

A platform contains 100 packages, 800 kg of 4-gauge Organic Clementines with leaves A cross between bitter orange and mandarin, it takes its name from the friar Clèment Rodier who spread its cultivation in Algeria, subsequently exported to Italy where it found its ideal habitat in the areas of plain of Calabria including the plain of Gioia Tauro - Rosarno - Rizziconi. Clementines have a spheroidal shape slightly flattened at the poles, a smooth and dark orange peel, a tender, juicy, aromatic pulp and a pleasant taste. The fruits are seedless, i.e. seedless, rich in vitamin C and mineral salts including potassium, they are consumed in most cases fresh, however they are used in the preparation of juices, jams and particular hors d'oeuvres. first ten days of November to be completed in the last ten days of January.